Sunday, August 26, 2007

Static on the Line

Today was a day where it was hard to settle on what to post. It isn't that there aren't things to be grateful for; plenty is still sacred. It was just that after a weekend of entertaining and running around it was harder to feel that sacredness. Being tired and worn down, it was harder to connect with the feeling I've come to associate with connecting with Spirit.

So when my brother announced that the box turtle was back, I grabbed the camera and snapped a couple shots.

On some days maybe its OK to settle for out of the ordinary instead of stressing about not hearing that "still small voice" quite as clearly.

When do you have trouble hearing the "still small voice"? How do you respond when the voice isn't as clear?

heading home, under Miss M's watchful eye
(did you know that a box turtle has a territory as big as a football field?)


Carla said...

I know what you mean, Deb. I'm reminded of the quote: "The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." Sometimes life wears my wits down very dull and dim. One reason I'm liking this project...! Turtle energy is good grounding, Mother Earth energy.

Anonymous said...

" was harder to connect with the feeling I've come to associate with connecting with Spirit."

Ahhhh, so here's food for the noggin: what if the feeling we've come to associate with connecting with Spirit isn't all there is to it? A great opportunity to challenge what we believe, hm? What if connecting with Spirit isn't all warm fuzzies and rainbows and puppy dog tails? What if it means just staying balanced and remining in our center, regardless? It's a 'tired' kinda day... so let's be the best 'tired' we can be.

Claire said...

i just LOVE your questions, deborah - and your honesty!
thank you for introducing me to christina baldwin, i got her seven whispers - i'm LOVING it!!!
all blessings xx

Rick Hamrick said...

Deb, it feels to me that we are doing part of what we are here to do when we wander from the still, small voice. That's not to say that we need to consciously wander! We all are capable of wandering even if we seek the fully enlightened, on-fire-all-the-time experience as a conscious choice...and wander, we all do.

I believe the cliche goes, "Spirit having a human experience".

Renee's comment is cool: let's be the best "tired" we can be.

My wonderful wife's version is to host a pity party quite by design when that's where she is, and she puts on the best pity party ever!