Wednesday, August 29, 2007


My Sacred Life

This is where I've been doing my bead work lately. The location changes but the basic set up is the same - seed beads, crimps, wire...

My altar cloth is a gift from a very dear friend of mine and is always underneath the beads I'm working on. The pliers in the foreground were from my grandfather; they're what caused me to stop and look at what I was doing today and realize that this was today's My Sacred Life post. I carry a bit of the man who taught me all this cool stuff with me into every set of Story-Beads I make.

The set in pretty blue is the Transitional Butterfly set. Somewhere in the space is a Fairy Godmother Set, almost finished, and way in the back a set of Clarity & Balance to complete someone's order. I'm proud of all that I put into each of the sets of beads I make. I watch my energy and keep it neutral, mindful of the fact that these little babies are off to support people in changing or improving their spiritual practices and maybe even their lives.

What is your offering to the world?


liz elayne lamoreux said...

i love the intention that you put into your work. that deeply speaks to me. the beads you work with look gorgeous (i am looking forward to peeking around your blog!)

Kara said...

Thank you for the inspiration. I especially love how you have the altar cloth there but also the way you work with your energy.

Olivia said...

I didn't know your process of creating, Deb, but it makes my beads even more special knowing what you put into creating them. I will treasure them even more!

Annie Z said...

An excellent sacred life picture. I should do something about my own creativity spot. Perhaps it will give me the motivation to finally organise it better!! LOL
Beautiful work, Deb. Thanks for sharing!

Claire said...

what a lovely post - an another deep question... right now i think my offering is to receive graciously others' offerings... it can be a tough calling to be dependent, but i'm learning so much about humility...
i can't wait to see your creation for me - i know i will treasure it :o)
blessings, claire