Friday, August 17, 2007

The Virtuous Gratitude

Ideally, the spiritual practice of keeping gratitude lists should be a simple and easy one. Anyone can come up with 5 things to be grateful for, can't they? They can be broad and general (like hot showers) or small and specific (the flower that bloomed outside the front door.) And 5 isn't too many, either.

But what about something that ends up on your list that you judge less than virtuous? #1 on my gratitude list fits that description - "the distracting qualities of TV." Not exactly spiritual and... well, spiritual.

But I'm grateful for it. There are times when my anxiety is buzzing mildly around and careful use of television is just the self-medicating I need. And there's nothing like two hours of guilty pleasure TV when there's a huge pile of laundry to get through!

So, maybe being grateful for mind-numbing TV isn't virtuous, but its honest and honest trumps virtuousness every time (at least in gratitude lists!)

What's on your "less than virtuous" gratitude list?

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