Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Day of Firsts

My Sacred Life, Day 20
Yesterday was a day of firsts for me.

I performed my first wedding as a non-denominational minister yesterday:

And I had my first NYC club experience - The Dropkick Murphy's at Roseland and it was AMAZING! (You haven't lived until you've heard Amazing Grace with a punk rhythm!)

It was a busy but well-balanced day.

What dichotomies do you revel in within your life?


Olivia said...

Congratulations, Deb!

Dichotomies---the ups and downs of marriage!

Claire said...

what a glorious privilege, deborah!! what a first!!!

Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Have you ever heard the verison of Amazing Grace by Destiny's Child? It's old but oh so deeply touching...Sounds like you are realling expanding Deb..Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! Congrats on the milestones!