Saturday, September 22, 2007


My Sacred Life, Day 22
Driving home today, half an hour after the call from the vet to say that Nini had passed, Ob-la-di came on the radio. It's sweet of him to let us know that even though his death was not as we had hoped (i.e. at home) that he is OK and we should be, too. In loving memory...

What reassurances assuage your grief?


Olivia said...

Dear Deb,

I'm so sorry to hear that your dear Nini has passed. He will never leave you and will visit you in your dreams,



Deborah said...

So long as he doesn't "visit" the house! I had a friend whose dead cats kept showing up in spirit and moving all the cat toys from the basket where she kept them. Too spooky for me, thanks.

Thank you for your kind thoughts.

Annie Z said...

Dear Deb, So sorry to hear about Nini. It is so hard when our pets leave us. I'm sure you have many many warm memories which you can treasure and which will always bring a loving smile to your face.

Claire said...

i'm so sorry to hear of your dear nini's passing, deb. but bless him for letting you know he's fine :o)

Julie said...

I'm so sorry. I know it's part of life and all, but it sucks to have them gone, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Deb. We will all miss Nini, cranky old guy he was.


Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Hey Deb, I'm feeling a big lump in my throat for your loss...I'm so sorry. I hope you will find peace and comfort in the wonderful memories that have been left behind. Sending a hug, Beverly

Carla said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Deb, and am grateful Nini found a way to let you know he's OK. Those reassurances mean a lot.

Angela said...

I'll light a candle for Nini. He was a beautiful cat and obviously a much loved companion. Remembering helps my grief - remembering the love, the fun, the joy and happiness.

Doe Grozs Art said...

A friend of mine passed away and I was in my car pondering her "where-abouts", questions flooding my mind about the afterlife. Is it true, I am almost postive. Freaking me out comes a song on the radio with the line, "99 and a half percent is not good enough".
That nailed it. Yes, that song was to reassure you he is fine.
My condolences.

Grandmama Carla said...

Deb, I have enjoyed going through your very grounded spiritual anecdotes. Condolences on your cat's passing. I have three cats, One is getting old. Unimaginable that she will be gone someday.

I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Deb, I just read of Nini's passing, and my heart is with you and your family. What a beautiful gift that he shared some earth-time with you all. Now it's time to give him back to the Earth...

And such is the wheel of life.
With love,

Kara said...

Dear Deb - I'm so sorry about your Nini. I'm glad you were reassured he is OK. Sending you hugs and my cats send you sympathy too.