Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Returning Practices

May I introduce you to Slushy the Snowman, a joint effort between my daughter and I while waiting for her bus. Three guesses what kind of weather we've been having here in Centerport, NY.

This is how I've been spending my time of late, making miniature snowmen and loving my kids - not a bad way to spend one's time, I think.

But still, I miss the blog. Not just that nagging guilty kind of missing that says I should be doing it but the more genuine feeling that I'd like to jump back into it and reacquaint myself with that community.

One of the things I look for in the spiritual practices that I choose for myself is the ability to go back to them easily after an absence. For instance, I hadn't picked up my Story-Beads in weeks but after working a craft fair a few weekends ago I am working with them again.

It's the same with journaling. There are times when I won't write "Dear Diary" for weeks at a time (and yes, I do actually write "dear diary" at the start of each entry - I do so many types of writing these days that starting with that silly little phrase let's me know what kind of writing I'm doing at that particular session.) Coming back to the page can feel stunted when I start up but soon enough I'm back in the flow of it.

Slushy and I are hoping that blogging is one of those practices and that getting back to those communities and finding some more will be just as easy as picking up my Story-Beads or jumping back onto the page.

For now, I've got some web surfing to do and some old virtual friends to check in on and see what they've been up to. Care to come along? There's a wonderful list of blogs full of wonderful individuals just to the left of Slushy that are just waiting for visitors! Enjoy!

What spiritual practice have you let slide and could you simply pick it up again?


WayStone said...

Goodness - when did you move to Centerport? I think I'm a little behind the times... :D

- Naomi.

Olivia said...

Me, too, I didn't know that. I used to live in Hauppauge and Patchogue. Welcome back, Peace, O