Monday, January 10, 2011

Allowing, For the Good of Everything Else

One of the things I didn't write down in what I'm willing to do in 2011 is crafting. I'm a "crafter" - arts and crafts: sewing quilts, doll clothes and stupid sock creatures, scrapbooking, paper crafts, collage (with spiritual overtones) and all sorts of other stuff.

Sometimes it's hard to justify all that stuff. It's not a direct line to say if I make this collage/treasure map of my intention for my business then I will make more money. Especially when sometimes in making that collage I'm not writing an article that would more directly help me make money at my business.

I have learned something about myself over this past year however and it's that I need crafting in my life. I need to create. I need to sew. I need to figure out how to get from the idea I have in my head to a reality in the world that makes me happy.

And when I allow myself that creative leeway, I find that everything else flows more smoothly. My writing is better. I'm more inspired when I sit down to my work for LaPadre and Story-Beads. It's a little like magic.

So, Saturday, after the "snowstorm" here on Friday, I took my camera and "indulged" in some outdoor shots like the one above. I'm not as good at it as Christine Valters Painter over at Abbey of the Arts but it doesn't matter right now. What matters is that the process of it makes me happy and content, and that feeling flows over into the rest of my life.

What needs allowing in your life that could positively influence everything else?

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