Monday, July 9, 2007

Questing for Questions

The first thing out of my mom's mouth is gonna be "So, what exactly is a blog, anyway?" But I'm prepared for that: Mom, a blog is (generally speaking) an on-line journal. Seeing as I'm a journaler, this little bit of technical wonder and I should be a match made in heaven!

One of the practices that's been instrumental in turning my journaling from a long string of fruitless complaints to a vehicle for spiritual growth has been learning how to ask better questions.

I've found that the mind is very cooperative. Not only does it believe what we tell it, it dutifully answers any question we put to it. If I ask questions like "What's wrong with me?" or "Why am I so stupid?" my mind will provide a detailed list in answer. Subtle shifts in the nature of the questions I ask, both on the page and in my mind, can greatly increase the quality of my thinking and, therefore, my life.

In that spirit, each of these entries will end with a question, a jumping off point. A question to get you thinking, pondering, wondering and maybe, hopefully, even writing.

How are your questions?

1 comment:

Keeping Mello said...

I'm still in the office, waiting for the rain to relax its silly slinky self long enough so I may just make it to the subway. I got the time to read, so...

It's funny, the concept you address about the brain. About a year and a half ago, BO (Before Oprah) I was introduced to The Secret by a friend of mine. I cannot honestly say that I can prescribe to all of its reasoning, but I found the basic concept immensely appealing: The Power Of Attraction. The idea that by recognizing the negatives of your thought process, allowing them to disperse back to baddyville subsequently setting you up to generate the positive, made a hell of a lot of sense to me. Very difficult to implement after 29 years of courting chaos, but I have seen its positive effect on my everyday living and loving. I have been enhanced by this and without question, been generally happier. Now if I can only find a job I really love...;-)