Thursday, August 23, 2007

i wish to grow...

“Think of the ways that questions illuminate the world around us. Questions tune the soul. The purpose behind questions is to initiate the quest. . . . We need to be introduced to our longings because they guard our mystery. Ask yourself what mystery is being guarded by your longing.” -Phil Cousineau from The Art of Pilgrimage: The Seeker’s Guide to Making Travel Sacred

Claire, over at Anna's World blog, sent me the above quote and I love it.

The above set of Story-Beads were designed around questions and the importance, not of answering the questions, but of asking them in the first place. For me living with the questions is more important than finding a concrete answer. An answer is small; a question is big...

What questions are you living?


Kara said...

Wow, I love your blog and your story beads are amazing.....I'll be back to explore more but I wanted to leave you a comment right away.

Carla said...

Wow. WOW.

Claire said...

i LOVE those beads - the colours, the charms, the questions...
bless you, dear deborah :o)