Sunday, November 18, 2007

Friend or Cousin?

"Stock footage" from two years ago because I forgot my camera when we went to the movies today.
(Sorry R and D! I'll post ya next time!)

This evening the kids and I went to see Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, a much better movie than I was expecting, made all the more enjoyable for the company we were with. Our family has been blessed enough to discover friends who we've become so close with that Lima Bean has trouble distinguishing them from our blood relatives.

And really, what's the difference?

We love them like family. Miss M and the oldest have a special bond - made all the stronger for their love of Ugly Dolls and Stupid Sock Creatures.
Lima Bean and the two younger ones run around like mad (yes, three boys - just like she asked for; she says Miss M is the first girl she's ever liked before.) We clamber for each other's attention and our lives would be that much poorer without the others.

Through all our shortcomings we all of us recognize what a special thing it is that we have. Whether it's Taco Bell after a movie or adventuring through Caumsett State Park or just coffee when the kids are at school and its blessedly quiet at the bagel place between here and there, they are My Sacred Life.


thailandchani said...

Very true! It's all in our everyday existences.. and perhaps the key is to be able to find it there.

Unknown said...

Spiritual Anecdotes: Friend or Cousin?
Many times the term~ "Friend or Cousin" does fall in the same category.
I think we are lucky to be blessed with not being able to tell the difference if we are related or not? Kids don't stop to edit themselves and come up with the best statements!
this is such a cute picture!! "PAL-COZ's" LOL