Sunday, November 11, 2007

Milo's Homecoming

Milo came home yesterday. Oh! the joys of a new kitten. Here are some pictures to share in the joy (for those of you who are cat people.)

Curious about the book I'm reading (A God-Shaped Hole - good but sad.)

A cozy nook in The Hubby's lap

Milo doing an impression of E.T. in amongst Lima Bean's stuffed animals.

Cat person or dog person? Animals or plants or people?


Annie Z said...

Wow, he has settled in so quickly! Thats fantastic!! Beautiful gingers. Love 'em. And I'm definitely a cat person. Cat person, cat person!

Angela said...

Cat person, definitely. What an adorable one he is! Congratulations on your new member of the family.

Beverly Keaton Smith said...

Oh, what a cutie. Congratulations! Lots of new cat joy is on its way to you! I used to call myself a cat person. Now, that Buddy has come into our lives, I have to say I am a cat AND dog person. Oh heck, all animals are precious!

storyteller said...

'Tis good to be freed from prison. No more singing the blues for this kitty.