But not only wasn't I posting them on the blog, I was avaoiding the set itself. Finally I had to ask what was up.
Settling in with my set before bed I listened to what story my Story-Beads had to tell me - I listened with that inner knowing and with my fingers as they ran over the beads. They are so very different from my set from last year that were a hard, tough ceramic. These story-teller beads have a softer feel, not only physically but in their energy. I need to slow my own energy down when I handle them.
I know this. I've set the intention to slow down this year and heed the learnings that take time. I am learning about listening to the wisdom of my body. I am setting a foundation for my business, which is currently being tweaked. My Story-Beads keep me honest and remind me, not just in the symbolism I've given them but in their own innate energy, that this is a lesson I need to learn.
I knew there was more and I realized what it was as I felt the owl bead that I put on but couldn't really remember why except that I love the bead and owl turned up in a card reading some time ago. There were a couple beads on the set that I couldn't clearly identify. The set of Story-Beads is undeniably rich and varied, just like my life. I realized, however, that I tried to cram too much into it (kinda like my life!) In an attempt to show how full and rich my life is I ended up with a set (and a life) that had a certain inflexibility and so much stuff that I lost much of the clarity that I should have had around the major symbols.
I was time for a change. All Story-Beads eventually break, releasing their energy back into the world. I have even ritually cut a set apart to symbolically surrender to what it was Spirit wanted of me. Today's act was much less dramatic - a little snip, a few less symbols, some bone disks as spacers. Most people wouldn't even recognize the difference but I felt it right away, not the least of which was the "ahhh" in my body that said I was on the right track at last.
Now the set has flexibility and the little frog that symbolizes the work I'm doing in learning to be in my body is the base of the piece, just as being in my body is the basis of what I am trying to achieve this year. I didn't do either of those things "on purpose" but the truth of them is plain nonetheless.
Subtle but important differences symbolize a willingness to not force it.
My mouse represents my writing - mouse (for me) is about perspective and writing is all about perspective and how you look at things. "Toady", on the right, symbolizes the body work I've undertaken, including my wonderful cheerleader nutrition counselor, Coleen!
What story could a set of Story-Beads tell you about your life?
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