Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today I was mistaken as an organized individual by a new business associate. Then, the guy at the local post office where I mail off my Story-Beads orders said he'd see me tomorrow because he knew I had orders and he said I was good at getting them out.

Whoa! Now hold on a minute. Those two points of view couldn't be farther from...well, not the truth because sometimes I'm organized and sometimes I'm on top of getting orders out on time. Those two points of view couldn't be farther from my own point of view, which of course sees all the shortcomings and very few of the things I do right.

Whether these two people are right about me or not really doesn't make too much difference. What I find interesting is that I look at other people and assume things - they've got it together, they're faultless business people, they're organized. Maybe I've just caught them in a shining moment. And if that's the case, maybe I'm more of all those things than I give myself credit for.

How would your life change if you were able to see yourself through the shining moments rather than the less attractive ones?

PS Perhaps the puppy in the dishwasher wasn't the best choice of picture. It does sort of make a difference if the dishes are clean by puppy or clean by soap and water. Still either way they appear clean, right?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Sunday

A friend of mine in Switzerland asked where I've been and why I haven't been posting on my blog. What a truly excellent question! And the answer?

I've been at the beach!

Two years ago we moved out to Long Island to (in part) have a closer relationship with Nature than we were really able to have in Queens. It was less a locality issue as a need to make it EASIER for me to do those things that, in Queens, felt insurmountable, like taking two kids to the beach. Sure, I could have done it from our old house but what a pain in the butt.

One of my intentions when I went on my vision quest two months ago was to find ways to strengthen my connection to nature. There hasn't been a big a-ha moment, the sky hasn't opened up with angelic voices. Its just been a small change - I take the kids to the beach and sometimes...sometimes, I go by myself. I swim, I float, I feel the rocks and sand (and the occasional crab) between my feet. It is indescribably wonderful.

Today we went to the ocean to get pounded by waves stirred up by a storm off the coast that we hadn't known about. I ache terribly - the 6 year old couldn't keep his feet and I worked really hard to keep him upright. A hardcore work out but I'm not complaining; I'm just happy being back in the water again.

Where are you finding your joy these days?