Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A New Altar; a New Focus

It's the holiday season and I feellike I need all the help I can get in staying focused. See, although it's not ideal now seems to be the right time to work through writing the copy for my newest website, La Padre, which I really want to launch in January. So this morning I took a lengthy pause beforesitting down to write and set up a new altar - a writing altar.

Altars have always been a focal point for me. They act as a visual reminder of what's important.

They also force me to narrow down my focus and my intention in choosing what items to place there - the symbolism must reflect what I want to focus on and if it doesn't then the symbol has to go...or I need to adjust my intention.

On this altar are my candles for writing spiritual stuff (owl and raven from Zena Moon,) a little figure sniffing a rose that reminds me that "I am enough, just as I am," and several gifts from my friends who did my ceremony when I was initiated as La Padre.

I'm happy with it; it's a good start. I'll add to it and take away from it over the next three weeks as I work on the ritual ebook that will be the backbone of the sites material. That's the beauty of altars - their flexibility and flow in service of focus.

What's on your altar? If you don't have one, what would you put on one if you were to create one?